The Minister of Interior Olubunmi Tunji-Ojo, has launched a probe into allegations of inhumane treatment of inmates at Afokang Custodial Centre in Calabar, Cross River State.
A video, which surfaced on Facebook, highlights disturbing conditions, particularly focusing on the quality of food being served to the inmates, specifically a breakfast of poorly cooked beans.
The Minister, expressing his deep concern over the matter, described the allegations as a severe breach of the standards of care and dignity that should be afforded to all inmates.
In a statement, over the weekend, Tunji-Ojo emphasized that the welfare of individuals in custody is a priority and that the ministry would not tolerate any lapses in the quality of food, sanitation, or overall treatment of inmates.
Tunji-Ojo ordered a comprehensive and urgent investigation into the allegations and assured the public that those found responsible for the reported conditions will face appropriate consequences.
“This incident is being treated with the utmost seriousness,” the Minister stated. “We are committed to upholding the standards of care and dignity that every inmate is entitled to, without exception.”
Tunji-Ojo further warned that any service lapses in the custodial centres across the country would be met with strict disciplinary measures.